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ICT in Practice

This web page provides an overview of ICT literacy integration into students' academic journey, and provides practical resources to help faculty incorporate ICT literacy into their curriculum.

Having a campus-wide ICT literacy plan and structure can facilitate systematic student ICT learning and success. Several stakeholders should be involved in the process: deans or their designates, program coordinators, librarians, instructional designers, assessment offices, student support services, academic technology specialists, information technology specialists, and project/initiative leaders (e.g., Writing across the curriculum, Student engagement, Course redesign, affordable learning solutions). "Collaborative academic programs and services involving the library enhance student learning." (American Library Association, 2016)

General Guidelines for ICT Literacy Enhanced Assignments

ICT literacy involves developmental growth: cognitively, technically, and emotionally.

General Education: Regardless of their choice of major, all students need a solid foundation of ICT literacy so they can access and use information in varied formats for academic learning. "Information literacy instruction strengthens general education outcomes." (American Library Association, 2016).

First Year Experience: Helping students experience ICT in an academic context begins with their first semester, and helps set the ground work for them to gain the expertise to access and use information in various formats. Extended reading and writing may be challenging. The use of academic email, online discussion and collaboration, webinars and course management systems may be new experiences for them. Furthermore, entering CSU student populations reflect a broad spectrum of experiences and expertise so faculty who deal with first year students have an added responsibility to help even the academic ICT literacy playing field.

Writing Across the Curriculum: Writing across the curriculum offers a wonderful opportunity to advance ICT literacy: from locating and critically evaluating information in different formats to matching communication channels with intended objectives and audiences, producing an organized and effective message.

Discipline-Specific Practice: A solid ICT literacy foundation provides a broad academic base. Discipline-specific ICT literacy offers students the opportunity to gain and practice in-depth knowledge and skills within one academic field. What does it mean to think like a scientist, to conduct research as a historian, to communicate as an economist?

Capstone Experiences: Capstone experiences offer a means for students to synthesize and apply their content knowledge, incorporating their varied ICT literacy experiences, to demonstrate their ability to generate and share new knowledge effectively, often through a substantive product or workplace experience. Here is a growing list of examples:

CSU Libraries provide ICT literacy instruction and resources, from navigating the library and conducting research to course-specific ICT.